Tuesday 23 August 2016

I always hated my name.

How to begin... There are literally thousands of articles on how to write your first blog, who knew? To begin I will answer 3 questions:
1.) Job?
I am a maid (not a very good one), a chef, a taxi driver, a nurse, and a whole host of other things. I am a stay at home mom. 
2.) Passions?
I am passionate about a lot of things. Cooking. Gardening. Books. Photography. Zero waste lifestyle. Laughter. Sarcasm. 
3.) Why a blog?
In my mind, I thought I would love to share to the recipes I love and recipes that didn't work for me. Essentially though I think the reason I have started a blog is to keep what's left of my sanity. Being a mom is the most difficult and rewarding job I have ever done. I realized I needed to find something that is life giving. I needed something in my life other than watching Netflix in the evenings. I needed to find something that would give me joy and hopefully a blog will help with that. 

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